Keeping up with product (blogs, newsletters)

I love asking my colleagues and friends in product management what they read to keep working on their craft, and I get asked this question fairly often too. I’ve regurgitated the same answer on various forums so I figured I would document it for everyone. My general advice on this is that less is more.Continue reading “Keeping up with product (blogs, newsletters)”

The Product Angle: Conversation with a Software & Non-Software PM

In this session, Pippa Gittings, Product Manager at the Natural History Museum in London (UK) and I compared and contrasted the experience of working as software and non-software PMs. Traditionally when we think about product management we tend to think about creating software products where the product is *generally* the business. However, if you’ve everContinue reading “The Product Angle: Conversation with a Software & Non-Software PM”

Influencing without authority

Influence without authority This is how I describe what day-to-day product management is like. I wish the whole “CEO of the product” thing was accurate, but mostly you’re just the “serf of product”. What this effectively means is that out of all the folks in an organization at a given point in time, PMs haveContinue reading “Influencing without authority”

Do you need an MBA to transition into product management?

Do I need an MBA to transition into product management? I get this question a lot and my answer really depends on who’s asking. There’s two parts of the question if you really want to unpack it Do you need an MBA (period) Do you need an MBA for product management I don’t want to conflate theContinue reading “Do you need an MBA to transition into product management?”

B2B versus B2C product management

I’ve made a lot of swerves and tried a bunch of things throughout my career. My first job was a software engineering role at a product development startup, and this was my first role at a B2B company. Then I switched to product management at a travel startup (think Tripadvisor) and this was as B2CContinue reading “B2B versus B2C product management”

There is no great UX without great CX

[UX: user experience, CX: customer experience, PM: product management] I gave what turned out to be a really fun talk organized by Hello Meets and this blog is a more succinct, written version of that presentation. The topic came to me when I realized how much of my PM role was happening at the peripheriesContinue reading “There is no great UX without great CX”